
Pajzos Winery
As a consultant, his empathy and humility in learning
about client issues is reassuring. He is not one for hurried solutions;
instead, he evaluates with precision and executes in confidence.
Rare is the wine professional who tastes with an eye to the consumer
market yet dispenses vineyard and cellar advice imbued with pure
Laurent Comas
Pivnica Csernus
Success arrived to our winery as a result of Laci Bálint’s guidance. We now export our bottles to Europe and overseas, scaffolded by Laci’s business acumen. Laci’s expertise illuminated the path to victory for our little family winery here in Slovakia, and we’re thrilled to partner with him.
Karoly Csernus
Creatura Wine
He’s a wine guru of sorts; collaborating with him has been an opportunity
for learning and growth. He’s a uniquely effective collaborator, shining a
broad scope of international attention on our indigenous varietals. We love
working with him because he considers the scope and requirements of his
clients (in reality, clients who all become friends)…